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Safety Tips
Exhibition time:2023/4/23

To protect your safety and the environment, please follow the below rules:

      1.No weapons, flammables and explosives, animals and other hazardous products.

  2.No smoking expect smoking zones.

  3.Pay attention to the lake.

  4.No climbing

  5.Be patient and follow the instructions of the staff.

  6.Be careful when the floor is slippery.

  7.Pay attention to the stairs and the ceiling.

  8.Look after the children. If they get lost, please tell the staff nearby or dial the hotline ( Tel:025-84578700 ).

  9.Look after your personal belongings. Large luggage can be stored in the depository in free. If anything loses, please phone to the office or seek help at the visitors center.

10.If feel sick or get hurt, please phone to the office ( Tel:025-84578700 ), tell the staff nearby, or seek help at the visitors center.

  11.If any illegal things happened, please contact secure guard ( Tel:025-84578878 ), or tell the staff nearby.